Friday, September 03, 2010

Sometimes I forget

Sometimes I forget
Maybe a wig, a smile, a mind-set
Apprehensive is the word
For every form I take

Don't take off your rose-tint glasses
They're the only way to live.
Once off, you only see ashes
Shades of grey, structures collapsing.

Not cement nor steel or man-made,
Of dreams  they are fabricate.
Built on belief
Destroyed by regret
A part of you wasted

Sometimes I forget
To stay happy, must race ahead
No peace I find
Even pillow 'neath my head

Heavy heart find a dark place
When none other can fathom fate
Over-whelmed in sadness I turn to thee
Wearing my mask, smiling, pretending

Sometimes I forget, You see me
What I am and where I could be
Rescue plans stand thwarted
My head in your palms, solace.


  1. Nicely crafted, I liked ur short excerpt.. everything is an illusion in the process of living, only we mask ourselves to ways of adjusting to it!

  2. Don't take off your rose-tint glasses
    They're the only way to live.
    Once off, you only see ashes
    Shades of grey, structures collapsing.

    excellent lines

  3. the poem goes by the title of ur blog 'when reality met me'! well penned...the second para speaks volumes. sometimes illusion is a bliss!



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